Dates for your Diary:

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday 15th November: Farnham's Geology, by Dan Bosence.

Dan will introduce us to the variability of the rocks lying underneath our feet across the Farnham area, which have a big influence on the plants and animals that thrive in places such as the Park.

Wednesday 29th November: Friends of Farnham Park AGM.

A brief foray through the formalities, followed by the traditional Ranger round-up slide show. If you have any great photos of wildlife or views in the Park, Nick woudl love to include them.

Note:All indoor talks take place at the Rowhill Centre (Cranmore Lane) Aldershot, GU11 3BD
7pm refreshments for 7:30pm start.
The Centre now has a hearing loop should anyone need it.

Events are free to FoFP members, £3 to non- members.
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