Farnham Park plant list (text) |  Farnham Park flower list (pictures)

Farnham Park contains around 150 species of wild flowers and trees. Many of these form very showy displays, such as the celandines in early spring, dandelions, daisies and speedwells in late spring, buttercups, vetches and knapweed in mid-summer, and autumn hawkbits in late summer. Himalayan Balsam also provides a colourful display but is becomimg a pest!

The chalk downland on the southern slopes is rich in flowers in the summer, including harebell, wild thyme, dwarf thistle, lady's bedstraw, field scabious and quaking grass.
Damper areas of the park include cuckooflower (lady's smock) and sneezewort, an uncommon plant which is increasing in numbers within the park.

In 2011 and 2012 we have had several new wildflowers appearing in the park, especially around Deer Pond. Click here for further details.

A full list of wild flowers and trees found within the park may be found here (text list) and a picture-based list here.

Lesser Knapweed

Lesser Knapweed on chalk area


Sorrel in field near viewpoint

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