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Bluebell Lily family
Hyacinthoides non-scripta Liliaceae

Bluebells form vast drifts of colour in woodlands. These are a familiar sight in spring in Britain and Ireland, but are rarely found elsewhere. In Scotland they are known as Wild Hyacinth. Occasionally the flowers may be white.
These native bluebells should not be confused with the Spanish hybrid bluebells often grown in gardens. The true bluebell has a one-sided raceme of drooping flowers, with cream anthers whose filaments are fused to the petals towards the outside of the lobe.

Bluebell flowers Bluebell drifts

White flower Leaves Seeds
White flowers Early leaves Early seeds

Inside of flower, showing cream anthers,
and stamens attached towards outside of petal lobe

Farnham Park |  Farnham Park plant list (text) |  Farnham Park flower list (pictures)