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Small Nettle (Annual Nettle) Nettle family
Urtica urens Urticaceae

The Small Nettle is similar to the Stinging Nettle, but is smaller, less common, and an annual instead of a perennial. Other differences include male and female flowers being on the same plant (monoecious), a branched stem, the flower panicles being shorter than the leaf stalks, and the leaves being more deeply toothed.

Small Nettle

Flowers and stinging hairs
Flowers and stinging hairs

Technical Information
Annual herb, up to 50cm tall
Stems square, branched, covered with hairs
Leaves opposite, longer-stalked, more deeply toothed than stinging nettle, covered with stinging hairs. Leaves shorter than stalks (unlike the Stinging Nettle)
Flowers: green, no petals, 4 sepals and 4-5 stamens. Flowers hang in loose panicles shorter than the leaf stalks. Male and female flowers on the same plant (monoecious).
Flowering time: June-September
Habitat: Waste ground and arable fields, especially on light soils
Distribution: Common throughout most of Britain

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